Miniature Steam Gala 12th and 13th April 2025 10:00 to 16:30
When we held our first Gala in April 2011 we wanted to run a two day event to show model traction engines, road vehicles and similar models in steam, operating in the open air. We knew that these models interested us, and that the people of Basingstoke enjoyed visiting our Miniature Railway track, but we were still surprised by the fantastic support we received. Traction engines came from all over the country, and we had hundreds of visitors.
So we have run a Gala every year since (when permitted), making a few changes, but always offering an event that delights both steam enthusiasts and families looking for a fun day out.
This year, so long as the weather remains kind to us, we will again use the large field at the Viables Craft Centre as the main exhibitor area, with traction engines and lorries from 2" - 6" scale in steam, some offering rides. This is also the location for our Tombola, and stalls with refreshments and model engineering supplies (don't get these two mixed up!).
Additionally many of the businesses and refreshment opportunities at the Viables Craft Centre will be open, all weekend there will rides on the Miniature Railway, the Garden Railway will be operating its small scale steam locos for the delight of children and adults alike, and the traction engines will roam around the whole site and in some cases even out onto the local roads.
Incredibly, there is no charge for entry or car parking! To help support the costs of running the Gala we hope you will buy a programme (only £1), a Tombola ticket and treat the kids and yourself to a ride or two.