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Basingstoke and District Model Engineering Society
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Ex. British Railways driver Mike Lowe at the controls of his 5" gauge 'Atlantic'.

The Basingstoke and District Model Engineers welcome people from any background: you don't need any knowledge or pre-requisites to join - only enthusiasm for what we do. Our members are as diverse as farmers, to lawyers, to bricklayers and lorry drivers (as well as professional engineers of course to keep us all in check!).

If you have an interest in any (or all) of the machining, modelling or running of miniature models (or have been in a previous model engineering society) - let a committee member know or enquire at one of our running days. We will tell you what to expect and give you a taste for our society and the world of model engineering.

Many people are put off as they think that "I couldn't do that" or "I couldn't make that" - but all our members started somewhere. So long as there is enthusiasm leading, the rest will follow!

Membership enquiries should be made by post to the Treasurer, address here, or by e-mail to the treasurer. You can view (and print) the membership form in PDF format, or you can download the form by right clicking on the link and using <save target as>.

Current Subscription rates:

Current membership is £50.00 per annum, with a £2.00 joining fee. New members joining part way through the year pay pro-rata calculated from the first of the month of joining, plus the joining fee. The joining fee includes a free B&DMES badge.

A copy of the Membership Form can be found here.

The financial year runs from 1st March to the end of February. These rates apply to new members joining after the start of the new year, and covers membership to the end of the current year. Existing members rejoining late (i.e. within 12 months of any previous membership) have to pay the full annual fee plus the joining fee (includes free society badge).

New member joining fee£2.00£2.00
Basic subscription (full year)£50.00£20.00

*Fee prices correct at last update, March 2025.